A translation is a written rendering of texts from one language into another.
In close co-operation with a pool of qualified translators, I take on the translation of all kinds of specialist texts into English, Italian, Russian and German.
To guarantee top quality, the translations will either be done or proof-read by native speakers.• What is the procedure for a TRANSLATION JOB?
- First, you send us the text you want translated (we can process texts in all usual software programs, e.g. Word, Power Point, Excel, etc.)
- We calculate the price and compile a quote
- We agree on the schedule
- Your translation is done by a colleague who has the language combination you require and who is best qualified for the technical field
- We go through any key messages that you want the text to convey before the translation is completed – so that the text gets across to the target audience
- The translation is proof-read
- We discuss with you any questions of content that arise
- We deliver the translation on time